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The Digital Product Passport (DPP) is a revolutionary tool that enhances business transparency and sustainability. By tracking comprehensive lifecycle data for products—from material sourcing to disposal—DPPs are meeting growing consumer and regulatory demands for accountability. As DPPs become essential, this guide explores their significance, implementation, regulatory mandates, and the substantial benefits they offer businesses. By adopting DPPs through platforms like info.link, companies can improve supply chain visibility, ensure legal compliance with evolving regulations, and build stronger consumer trust.

Lebensmittel Zeitung QR Code

Source: Lebensmittel Zeitung (2024)


Top 10 Questions & Answers about the Digital Product Passport

  1. What is a Digital Product Passport (DPP)? A DPP is a digital record that contains detailed information about a product's lifecycle, including its origin, composition, and environmental impact.
  2. Who needs to implement a DPP? Any business introducing products to the European market, especially in industries like textiles, apparel, batteries, and consumer electronics, will need a DPP.
  3. Why are DPPs being introduced? DPPs promote transparency, sustainability, and circular economy practices by enabling tracking and verification of a product’s lifecycle.
  4. What information is included in a DPP? A DPP includes product identification, manufacturing details, specifications, usage instructions, environmental impact, and compliance information, accessible via QR codes or barcodes.
  5. How do DPPs support sustainability? By providing detailed information on a product’s environmental impact and recyclability, DPPs help businesses and consumers make more sustainable choices.
  6. How will DPPs benefit businesses? DPPs enhance supply chain transparency, improve resource efficiency, and help businesses meet regulatory requirements, potentially leading to cost savings and increased consumer trust.
  7. What are the main challenges of implementing a DPP? Key challenges include setting up advanced data management systems, ensuring data privacy, standardizing across products and industries, maintaining regulatory compliance, and integrating DPPs into existing technological infrastructures.
  8. What technological infrastructure is needed for DPPs? Implementing DPPs requires robust IT systems capable of collecting, managing, and sharing vast amounts of data securely and efficiently.
  9. How do DPPs affect supply chain management? DPPs improve supply chain transparency by providing insights into materials, methods, and processes, ensuring responsible sourcing and manufacturing.
  10. What are the regulatory requirements for DPPs? Businesses must comply with new EU regulations, like the EU’s Ecodesign Regulation, mandating DPPs and specific data points to ensure transparency and sustainability.


What is a Digital Product Passport?

A Digital Product Passport (DPP) is an innovative tool designed to enhance the transparency and sustainability of products. It improves traceability and provides critical insights into a product's journey through the supply chain. According to GS1 UK, a DPP "creates a digital twin of a physical product and securely records event, transactional and sustainability-based data" (GS1 UK, 2024). This allows businesses to track and share essential product information efficiently, supporting informed decision-making and fostering consumer trust.

Woman scanning a QR code

Source: PSQR (2023)

DPPs use data carriers like QR codes and barcodes, which can be scanned with smartphones or other devices to instantly reveal the product’s digital profile. This capability ensures that both businesses and consumers can quickly verify and access crucial product details (TechInformed, 2024).

The benefits of implementing DPPs are substantial:

  • Enhanced Supply Chain Visibility: Provides a comprehensive digital record of a product’s lifecycle, enabling businesses to trace materials from origin to end-of-life and streamline operations.
  • Sustainability: Promotes more sustainable practices by reducing environmental footprints.
  • Consumer Transparency: Offers transparency about a product’s origin, impact, and recycling options, enabling more responsible purchasing decisions (Circularise, n.d.).


Regulatory Background

The regulatory framework for Digital Product Passports (DPPs) is rooted in the European Union’s commitment to fostering sustainability and a circular economy. The Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) is central to this framework, which sets out the requirements and implementation timeline for DPPs.

The ESPR aims to reduce natural resource usage and support circular economy goals. It mandates that products falling under its scope must have a DPP, enhancing transparency and traceability across various industries. This regulation will come into effect from 2026, giving businesses a defined timeline to adapt and comply with these new standards (TechInformed, 2024).

The ESPR's scope is broad, encompassing various products and industries. This means that both EU-manufactured and imported products must adhere to the DPP requirements, impacting businesses globally. Affected industries include:

  • Industrial & automotive batteries: Implementation of New EU Battery Regulation in 2026; DPP mandatory by 2027 for the following types:
    • LMT (Light Means of Transport) batteries
    • Industrial batteries with a capacity above 2kWh
    • Electric vehicles batteries
  • Textiles: EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles proposed in March 2022; Gradual expansion of DPP expected from 2026 to 2030
    • Clothing and apparel
    • Home textiles
    • Other fabrics
  • Construction materials: Construction Products Regulation proposed in March 2022, Gradual expansion of DPP expected from 2026 to 2030
    • Building materials and components
  • Toys: Toy Safety Regulation proposed in the end of 2022 ; DPP expected to be required from 2026 to 2030
  • Electronics: Gradual expansion from 2026 to 2030
    • Consumer electronics and appliances
    • ICT equipment
  • Metal industry: DPP expected to be required from 2027 for the following types:
    • Steel and iron
  • Other Sectors: DPP expected to be required at the latest by 2030. Mainly impacts:
    • Automotive parts
    • Furniture
    • Luxury goods
    • FMCG products
    • Packaging materials

(CIRPASS Project, 2024; GS1 UK, 2024; TechInformed, 2024)

To ensure compliance, businesses must integrate data carriers such as QR codes or barcodes on their products, enabling secure and efficient data sharing across the supply chain. Staying updated on regulatory changes and understanding the specific requirements of the ESPR will be crucial for businesses to navigate this transition successfully.

Digital Product Passport Timeline

View a full-size PDF of the timeline. Source: info.link (2024)


Benefits of Digital Product Passports for Businesses

Digital Product Passports (DPPs) offer substantial benefits by enhancing operational efficiency, sustainability, decision-making, and consumer relationships. Here’s a detailed look at these advantages:

Improved Supply Chain Visibility and Efficiency

  • Lifecycle Tracking: Provides a comprehensive digital record of a product’s lifecycle, enabling businesses to trace materials from origin to end-of-life.
  • Operational Streamlining: Streamlines operations and reduces waste through better material tracking (GS1 UK, 2024; TechInformed, 2024).

Data-Driven Insights for Better Decision-Making

  • Trend Analysis: Detailed data collected throughout a product’s lifecycle enables businesses to analyze trends and identify inefficiencies.
  • Strategic Decisions: Drives more efficient resource utilization and innovation through data insights (GS1 UK, 2024; TechInformed, 2024).

Increased Brand Trust and Consumer Loyalty

  • Transparency: Provides transparent information about a product’s lifecycle, building consumer trust.
  • Responsible Production: Demonstrates commitment to sustainability and responsible production practices, enhancing consumer loyalty (GS1 UK, 2024).

Enhanced Sustainability Credentials and Regulatory Compliance

  • Regulatory Adherence: Ensures products meet the European Union’s Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR), showcasing commitment to sustainability.
  • Eco-Friendly Image: Enhances the company's image as eco-friendly and compliant with regulations (GS1 UK, 2024; University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) and the Wuppertal Institute, 2022).


Implementation and Compliance Strategies

Implementing a Digital Product Passport (DPP) involves several key steps to ensure compliance with emerging regulations and capitalize on the benefits of enhanced sustainability and transparency.

Key Areas for Successful Implementation

  1. Understanding the DPP's Role
    • Digital Bridge: Connects physical products with their digital identities, facilitating seamless sharing of product data across the supply chain (Deloitte, 2024; GS1 UK, 2024).
  2. Adopting Standardized Digital Formats
    • Standardization: Essential for interoperability and regulatory compliance. Use standardized formats to store and share data on the DPP platform (Deloitte, 2024; PSQR, 2023).
  3. Creating a Robust Traceability System
    • Traceability Solutions: Track all events and transactions related to a product from creation to end-of-life, ensuring secure data sharing and preventing fraud (Deloitte, 2024; PSQR, 2023).

Step-by-Step Guide to Key Components

  1. Assign Unique Identifiers
    • QR Codes and Barcodes: Products are assigned unique digital identities, typically through QR codes or barcodes, linking physical items to their digital records. This ensures traceability and authenticity from raw material sourcing to end-of-life recycling (Deloitte, 2024; PSQR, 2023).
  2. Ensure Data Standardization
    • Interoperability and Compliance: Implement standardized data formats for accurate and up-to-date product information across platforms and stakeholders (Deloitte, 2024; GS1 UK, 2024).
  3. Establish Traceability Systems
    • Event and Transaction Tracking: Systems should track all product-related events and transactions. Compliance with standards like ISO/IEC 15459:2015 helps maintain data integrity and security, verifying product authenticity and regulatory adherence (Deloitte, 2024; Eurofins, n.d.).
  4. Collect Granular Data
    • Accuracy and Usefulness: Implement real-time updates to keep DPPs accurate and useful, supporting informed decision-making and improving supply chain visibility (Deloitte, 2024; PSQR, 2023).
  5. Engage Consumers
    • Build Trust and Loyalty: Leading transparency platforms like info.link make it easy to create and manage engaging micropages for all products, sharing detailed product lifecycle and sustainability information. This promotes informed purchasing decisions and builds consumer trust and loyalty. (BCG, 2023; Deloitte, 2024).
  6. Achieve Regulatory Compliance
    • Ecodesign Regulation: The EU’s Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation mandates DPP adoption to enhance sustainability and transparency. Early compliance can provide a competitive edge and avoid penalties (BCG, 2023; Eurofins, n.d.).
  7. Integrate Data Carriers
    • GS1 Digital Link: Connect physical products to their digital identities. These carriers embedded in products ensure secure and accessible information, preventing fraud and enhancing consumer trust (GS1 UK, 2024; PSQR, 2023).

info.link of outdoor furniture-1

Source: info.link (2024)


Challenges and Considerations

Implementing a Digital Product Passport (DPP) comes with several challenges and considerations that businesses need to address to ensure success.

Key Challenges

  1. Data Privacy and Security
    • Sensitive Information: DPPs store sensitive information, necessitating robust cybersecurity measures to protect against unauthorized access and breaches. Implement advanced encryption protocols, conduct regular security audits, and establish stringent access controls (Deloitte, 2024; GS1 UK, 2024).
  2. Standardization and Interoperability
    • Universal Standards: Compatibility issues can arise without universal standards. Businesses and regulatory bodies need to collaborate to develop and adopt industry-wide standards, such as ISO/IEC 15459:2015 and GS1 Digital Link, facilitating seamless integration and data exchange (Deloitte, 2024; PSQR, 2023).
  3. Verification and Authentication
    • Data Accuracy: Ensuring regular data updates and accuracy checks is crucial. Implementing blockchain technology can enhance data verification and provide an immutable record of product information, ensuring authenticity and reducing fraud (Eurofins, n.d.; GS1 UK, 2024).
  4. Regulatory Compliance
    • Evolving Regulations: As regulations evolve, businesses must ensure their DPPs meet all legal requirements to avoid penalties and maintain market credibility. Stay updated with regulatory changes through industry associations and consulting with legal experts (BCG, 2023; Eurofins, n.d.).
  5. Educating Stakeholders
    • User Awareness: Effective communication and training programs are vital for proper use and widespread adoption. Host workshops, webinars, and provide comprehensive guides to help stakeholders understand the value and use of DPPs (PSQR, 2023).
  6. Technical Implementation
    • Infrastructure and Technology: Significant investment in infrastructure and technology is required. Integrate DPPs with existing systems using scalable solutions like info.link, which can adapt to future advancements and regulatory changes. Partner with technology providers specializing in traceability and digital identity solutions for a smoother implementation process (Deloitte, 2024; PSQR, 2023).


Risks In Focus: Data Security, Supply Chain Complexity, and Skilled Labor Shortage

With the introduction of the Ecodesign Regulation, which provides the framework for the Digital Product Passport (DPP), not only questions about technical implementation arise, but also serious concerns about data security. Ulrich Becker, a partner at the law firm CMS, emphasizes that sensitive technical information stored in the DPP—such as the formulations of cleaning products—must be strictly protected. “It must be technically ensured that only market surveillance authorities have access to this information, and not competitors,” Becker stresses. This security requirement is particularly important since the DPP will contain comprehensive information that is of high commercial value to manufacturers. (Lebensmittelzeitung, 2024)

Another central issue is the generation and integration of the necessary data along international supply chains. Stephan Tromp, Deputy Managing Director of the German Retail Association (HDE), highlights the challenge: “The real difficulty will be generating the necessary data and passing it along the international supply chain.” For example, classic textile products consist of many individual components, whose origin, production conditions, and carbon footprint must be meticulously tracked. Additionally, the shortage of IT specialists, according to Gudrun Höck, CSR Officer at the Textile Retail Association (BTE), further complicates the digitalization of supply chains. (Lebensmittelzeitung, 2024)

These concerns make it clear that the implementation of the DPP is not just a technological challenge, but also an organizational and personnel one. Particularly in industries such as textiles and chemicals, generating the required data will be highly complex, a problem exacerbated by the acute shortage of skilled labor. It remains to be seen how quickly companies can overcome these obstacles to fully leverage the benefits of the DPP.


Case Studies and Industry Examples

Here are some success stories from early adopters of Digital Product Passports (DPPs) across various industries:


Automotive Industry

Example of Digital Product Passport by Tesla

Source: Global Battery Alliance (2024)

  • Electric Vehicle Batteries: The Global Battery Alliance (GBA) has developed Battery Passports for companies like Tesla and Audi. These passports provide detailed Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) information, including material sourcing and carbon footprint reporting. Tesla's Battery Passport, for instance, traces the cobalt used in its EV batteries to its source in the Democratic Republic of Congo, aiming to improve supply chain transparency and reduce environmental impacts (ABI Research, 2024; Circularise, n.d.).


Construction Industry

Material Passport Lifecycle Graphic

Source: EIC UK (2022)

  • Materials Passports: The Edenica building in London, developed by the Waterman Group, uses Materials Passports to track the geometry, location, and material information of structural components. This ensures materials can be reused efficiently during and after the building's lifecycle, reducing waste and promoting sustainability (ABI Research, 2024).


Textile Industry

Scanning Digital Product Passport of a garment in textiles

Source: Fraunhofer IZM (2023)

  • Supply Chain Transparency: Burton Snowboards has implemented a DPP platform to track the sustainability of its products. This platform helps the company understand where it can eliminate waste and promote circularity by centralizing supply chain data. Customers can scan QR codes to access detailed information about the products' supply chain journey and sustainability efforts (ABI Research, 2024).


Electronics Industry

  • CIRPASS Consortium: The European Commission's CIRPASS consortium is working on implementing DPPs for electronics. This initiative aims to improve product lifecycle management and enhance circularity by ensuring electronic products can be efficiently tracked and recycled, reducing environmental impact (IEEE Technology Climate Center, 2023).


Luxury Goods Industry

Scanning a Digital Product Passport via a NFC chip of a luxury leather bag

Source: Glossy (2024)

  • Customer Experience and Product Authenticity: Luxury brands are using DPPs to enhance customer experience and ensure product authenticity. These digital passports store customer preferences, purchase history, and loyalty program status, enabling personalized recommendations and services. Additionally, they integrate authentication features to verify the authenticity of products, which is crucial for high-value items (Deloitte, 2024).


FMCG Industry

Scanning the info.link Digital Product Passport on a lemonade in a supermarket

Source: info.link (2024)

  • Transparency and Sustainability: In the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector, companies are exploring the use of DPPs to enhance transparency and sustainability. These passports help track the origin and lifecycle of products, providing consumers with information about the environmental and social impacts of their purchases (IEEE Technology Climate Center, 2023; University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) and the Wuppertal Institute, 2022).


Future Outlook and Implications

The future of Digital Product Passports (DPPs) is set to bring substantial changes across industries due to regulatory initiatives and technological advancements.

Regulatory Initiatives

The European Union's rollout of the DPP initiative in 2024 aims to enhance sustainability and transparency. Detailed product information, such as material sourcing and recycling options, will be accessible through technologies like NFC chips, QR codes, or RFID tags (Crossmint Blog, 2024; eClear AG, 2023).

Technological Advancements

  • Blockchain Technology: Ensures data integrity and prevents tampering, providing an immutable record of product information (Circularise, n.d.; Crossmint Blog, 2024).
  • Internet of Things (IoT): IoT devices enable real-time monitoring of product conditions throughout their lifecycle, improving data security, accuracy, and tracking capabilities (University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) and the Wuppertal Institute, 2022).
  • Ecodesign Regulations: Promotes repairable products and bans unsold textiles, emphasizing the need for robust digital tracking systems to manage product information throughout their lifecycle (House of Change, 2023).

Business Implications

  • Technological Investments: Businesses will need to invest in new technologies and adjust their supply chain management practices to comply with DPP requirements. Solutions like info.link can streamline this process by providing comprehensive management of product information. While this may involve significant initial costs, it presents opportunities to gain a competitive edge by demonstrating a commitment to sustainability.
  • Streamlined Processes: DPPs will streamline processes such as customs and VAT calculations, particularly in cross-border commerce, by providing detailed product information that enhances transparency and regulatory compliance (eClear AG, 2023).

Create Your First Digital Product Passports

Digital Product Passport on the info.link platform-1

Source: info.link (2024)

Meeting the stringent requirements of DPPs involves not only technological upgrades but also ensuring that all provided information is accurate, accessible, and compliant with EU regulations. Platforms like info.link help brands comply with the EU Green Claims Directive and other regulations by simplifying the process of creating legally compliant, product-specific information pages and future-proof QR codes for packaging, supporting automated translation, and ensuring GDPR compliance. Info.link supports automated translation, integration with GDSN and PIM systems, and ensures that all content is accessible and GDPR-compliant, making it easier for businesses to manage product information and comply with the evolving regulatory landscape (info.link, 2024).



By adopting solutions like info.link and Digital Product Passports (DPPs), businesses can ensure compliance with current regulations and prepare for future changes. These approaches enable comprehensive management of product information, enhancing both compliance and consumer trust.

Supported by regulatory frameworks and technological advancements, DPPs are poised to transform supply chain transparency and sustainability across various industries. By adopting DPPs, businesses can improve traceability, reduce environmental impact, and manage product lifecycles sustainably and efficiently.



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